The Umayyad Palace Archeological Park, Jerusalem

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The Liberty Bell Park, Jerusalem 1977

The Liberty Bell Garden, which because of the reverse slope of the land lies outside the Old City Visual Basin, was planned as an Action Garden. Not as an amusement park with paid activities, but as a garden where there is the infrastructure for self-propelled activity of all ages, whilst still being a beautiful colored flower park. Along the central promenade you find a roller skating rink, basket ball courts, play sculptures, picnic areas, a music garden, a youth library, an amphitheater, croquet, and an exhibition area where the annual book fair took place and other cultural-social events take place. The public toilets got the prize for the best in town since they provided privacy with full through ventilation andThe Umayyad Palace Archeological Park, Jerusalem,2005

An archeological park right next to Jerusalem’s Dome of the Rock, The Aqsa Mosque and the Wailing Wall, with excavations of an Umayyad Palace, built in the late 7th Century A.D. by the Umayyad rulers in the early years of Muslim rule in the Holly Land. Delicate restoration and reconstruction work has been carried out, to which a gentle hand has been applied to landscape the ruins, creating what Rose Macauly called ”The pleasures of ruins.” The palace was planned around a central courtyard. The surviving walls of the ruined palace were left as is, the internal spaces of the rooms simply planted with lavender, rosemary and other silver-gray local vegetation. In the central courtyard, a large shade structure was inserted – allowing groups of visitors to pause in this extraordinary place under the cool shade. The shade structure is a forest of steel trees with branches that echo traditional Muslim patterns and similar early Islamic pavilions on the Temple Mount next to the Dome of the Rock. The canopy of these trees is made of a wooden trellis, a modern version of the local Mashrabia used in traditional Arab houses.interior daylight, making them a pleasant place to go to.
